CodeByAkram: Regular Expression
Showing posts with label Regular Expression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Regular Expression. Show all posts
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How to use regular expressions with String methods in Java?

How to use regular expressions with String methods in Java? Strings in Java have built-in support for regular expressions.  Strings have 4 built-in methods for regular expressions, i.e., the matches(), split()), replaceFirst() and replaceAll() methods. Method ...
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What are the rules of writing regular expressions in Java?

What are the rules of writing regular expressions? There are some rules for writing a regular expression or regex in java. Lets discuss about those rule. But first have a look on  What are regular expressions or regex? Common matching symbols that used in regex Regular Expression Description ...
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What are regular expressions or regex?

What are regular expressions or regex in Java? Regular expressions define a search pattern for strings in Java. The abbreviation for regular expression is called as regex. The search pattern, it can be anything from a simple character or a fixed string or a complex expression and it can contain special...