2020 - CodeByAkram
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Multi threading using Executor Services in Java

 The ExecutorService interface, executes tasks in parallel in background and represents an asynchronous execution mechanism. The ExecutorService create and maintain the reusable thread pool.How to create ExecutorService?To create ExecutorService, you can use Executors factory to create the instance of ExecutorService....
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Getting Started with Angular

We have setup the development setup of angular in angular-installation blog. Now in this blog, lets start a new project and lets see how we can create a new project in Angular. How we can create a new project in Angular? To create a new project, open Angular CLI and type below mentioned command and press enter....
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Angular Installation

Lets talk about the installation process of Angular, which tools and IDE is required for angular, How to install Angular? Which IDE is used for angular? Before getting started with Angular you have to download IDE like Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, Atom etc. We will be using Visual Studio Code in our tutorial. Visual...
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What is Angular

Angular is a latest front-end framework of JavaScript, a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications that makes you able to create reactive SPA (Single Page Applications). Angular framework is developed and main by Google. Angular framework is totally based on components forming a tree...
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Angular Tutorial: Getting Started With Angular  Welcome to Angular tutorials, in this tutorial i will cover all the topics of angular and after this tutorial you will be able to write the code of angular. So lets start the tutorial step by step. What is Angular Installation Getting Started with Angular  Angular Features Differences...
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